Have you received an official-looking envelope from “Domain Registry of America?” It’s a white envelope with an American flag in the upper left corner.
When you open it, it states “Domain Name Expiration Notice” in the upper right-hand corner.
I can tell you that most of my clients don’t remember who they registered their domain name with, and a notice like this will really confuse them.
The notice gives you a dire warning that a “failure to renew your domain name by the expiration date may result in the loss of your online identity…”
Even though it states “This notice is not a bill,” it looks like an invoice or potentially a domain registry scam.
At this point, most people would be worried; they would stop reading, complete the form and authorize a payment to Domain Registry of America. However, e9digital is here to help you not fall victim to this potential domain registry scam.
What they have just done is authorize the transfer of their domain so that Domain Registry of America can be their new registrar for $35 per year. What sucks about that is they were probably paying only $6 to $10 per year to their current registrar!
Is this a Domain Registry Scam?
So is this a domain registry scam? Not quite, but it’s certainly on the borderline of deceptive.
If you get a notice from Domain Registry of America and they are not your registrar, please feel free to put it in the trash. Please reach out to e9digital with any more questions or domain registry of America complaints.