September 5, 2024

Modernizing Cordatis’ Website To Generate Legal Leads

Even for fans of the television show L.A. Law, the name “McKenzie, Brackman, Chaney, and Kuzak” is unrecognizable–but everyone knows Arnie Becker. In real life, shopping for a lawyer follows the same structure. People are recommended to lawyers, not the whole law firm.

Law firm and LAW member Cordatis required a redesigned website that made it easy for new clients to assess the lawyers that work at their firm, clearly communicated practice areas (the specific field in which an attorney primarily focuses their career), and showcased the latest news. e9digital had to  create a modern, clean design with practice-specific landing pages, updated bio pages, and a news page that outlined:

  • What Cordatis does
  • Which lawyers have done it
  • How they have succeeded before

With nearly forty years of experience, Cordatis LLP, formerly Cohen Mohr, is internationally known for its practice in federal, state, and local procurement, administrative, and contract law. Cordatis has represented a wide range of organizations, including Fortune 500 companies, small sole proprietorships, software developers, ADP equipment manufacturers, construction companies, and consultants.

Cordatis hired e9digital to redesign the website with a modern, visually engaging look to reflect their high-quality services and differentiate them from competitors. The website had to resonate with the target audience, highlighting past wins and successful outcomes to prove that the proof is in the pudding!

“Color is really important. Whatever feeling you’re getting from the website is a similar feeling to what the users will get as well.” - Jason Solak, Project Manager | e9digital

An image is worth a thousand words, and the hero image is one example. We used legal imagery of a model of the United States Capitol to evoke a strategic board–Cordatis knows the ins and outs of Washington DC. These lawyers are experts, maneuvering the pieces to get the best results for their clients… because Harry Hamlin is rarely available!

Nearly 40% of consumers are more attracted to color schemes on business websites compared to other visual elements. The website colors draw the target audience in, capturing their attention so they dive into the content.

For government contractors, there’s one feeling they want more than anything else: peace of mind that their lawyer will do the job correctly. So naturally, we chose a modern, calming blue color scheme to communicate trustworthiness and experience. But the color only takes you so far–it must be implemented properly for the ideal effect.

Our website designers used UX best practices to create a visually engaging website with an intuitive flow. When the user sees our site, the first thing we want them to focus on is the image. That immediately communicates the focus of the site while prompting them to explore further. The dark blue in the header captains the logo and draws their eyes to the menu bar, offering intuitive navigation.

 A thin green line highlights each interior page as their cursor hovers. When they visit that page, it’s highlighted in an outline circle in the header, like a bookmark that marks their place.  The same dark blue from the logo is used on CTA buttons throughout the site, attracting their attention to important actions such as “meet the team” and “contact us.” 

“I like the blue and the font. For some reason, that just appeals to me. I like the way it’s all set. It speaks to me of modernity.” - Bill Savarino, Partner | Cordatis

The user can view the rest of the homepage layout like a brochure. It highlights the interior pages and encourages them to click and learn more. That’s why the home page follows the sequence of the header, giving them a taste of what’s to come in the interior pages. While the “above the fold” content (the information that can be seen on the page when a user first arrives) is the most important, people love to scroll. Regardless of the page length, 22% of users scroll to the bottom.

Detailing expertise through practice-specific landing pages

Most law firms market their expertise toward industry instead of practice areas. However, Cordatis works in a specific niche: government contractors. It made more sense to them to highlight what they do because their target audience could be searching for services as specific as bid protests, commercial litigation,  or grants and cooperative agreements.

We created internal pages that detail exactly why Cordatis is the right choice for potential clients. Each practice area page serves as a blueprint for success, laying out every detail that potential clients need to see before building their trust in Cordatis, including:

  • Common obstacles of the target audience
  • How Cordatis helps
  • Experience that proves how Cordatis has done it before.
  • The lawyers that specialize in the practice area.

The practice pages check every box in the target audience’s mind, prompting them to reach out. Watch out, competitors–these are lead-generating machines!

Additionally, each lawyer has a specific interior page. Whether the target audience searches by the lawyer’s name or the practice area, they can glean all the information needed to feel comfortable contacting Cordatis.

Trust e9digital to craft the best legal website that converts


“This design is very different from what we’re used to. This is somewhat rare, it looks good.” - Bill Savarino, Partner | Cordatis

Now, Cordatis has a modern, efficient website that highlights their unparalleled services and reasonable rates. Many legal websites look the same because they’re created by an agency specializing in law firm website design–AKA, they have a plug-and-play structure that they promise works for all lawyers. But when you do that, you miss out on creating a design that’s highly specialized to the needs of each law firm’s clients.

At e9digital, we offer a tailored plan for each client. For every law firm, we complete competitor research and analyze the target audience to create a unique design that generates leads. If you’re tired of the same ol’, same ol’ law firm websites and prefer a modern approach, contact us today.