October 16, 2023

Marketing for Geniuses: Website Design That Converts & Makes the Phone Ring off the Hook

Our clients are geniuses in their fields of expertise, but they’re not experts in Web Design, Branding and Digital Marketing. We’re geniuses with these skills. As a collaborative team with our clients, we do great things together.

Let’s say you’re a physicist and you just created the greatest nuclear reactor ever invented. This thing is so powerful that it can light up a city in seconds. Say goodbye to global warming! So, you hire a marketing company that makes a beautiful website all about the intricate science behind your nuclear reactor.

But the nuclear reactor doesn’t sell.

And you scratch your head… Why isn’t my life-changing product that will bring clean energy to all mankind flying off the shelves?

Because you didn’t say on your website that your nuclear reactor created clean energy.

So when your customer typed “cheap, clean energy” into Google, your website didn’t come up because you didn’t use SEO keywords that matched their search query.

Your customers just want to find the magical solution that makes their problems go—POOF! All you have to do is show them how.

Your customers may not know that they need a nuclear reactor, or care at all about the science behind one. They know that they need cheap energy without a carbon footprint (in the perfect world of this amazing nuclear reactor, this is true!). 

If you only talk about the actual product itself, and not how the product solves the problem, then it won’t sell. 

It’s your job to tell your customers how your product or service is the solution that they’ve been looking for.

The Nuclear Reactor Isn’t the Main Character. Your Customer Is! Here’s How Website Design Converts

The biggest difference between successful marketing and bad marketing is empathy. At e9digital, we prioritize empathy in everything we do.

When creating websites and content, we put ourselves in the shoes of your customers. We think about the problems they’re facing and how your product solves them.

Because when we build customer-centric websites, the right people will self-identify with them. They arrive at your website that sells cheap energy by way of nuclear reactors and say, “This is me! I need cheap energy!” Those are going to be the best customers and clients, and your website leads them down the path to finally finding a solution and changing their lives for the better. Your customer gets what they need and you get a sale. Everybody wins. 

e9 has done this for hundreds of our clients, who see an increase in conversion and sales leads–which means more revenue. At the end of the day, we like to say we design websites that convert and make the phone ring off the hook. We tell your story to your customer that explains how your product is everything they need to get their life on track. Plus, we include SEO keywords so that when your future customers type a relevant search query into Google, your website comes up.

We’ve successfully launched tons of websites in every industry imaginable, from law firms to sustainably sourced vegan meat. If you’re ready to finally have a website that encourages your customers to take action and solve their problems, give e9digital a call today.