That’s how I finish proposals I’ve written for website projects.
“You will get lower bids. I guarantee it.”
I want my potential clients to know that I know that my bid will probably be the highest they receive.
But that’s fine. My clients don’t come to me for bargains. The lower bid is not the best bid.
They come to me for outstanding results in all phases of their project including website design, website development, programming, website copywriting, solutions architecture, testing, debugging and internet marketing.
We build complex websites and that demands a team of seasoned professionals. And guess what? Those very talented people are highly compensated. Our high level of service does not lend itself to lower bids.
Getting outstanding results with your website is like anything else in life, you have to make the proper investment and work with the best people. You get that with e9digital.
So if you are looking for bargains; if you’re looking to save a buck on a lower bid; if you’re looking to cut corners; please do us both a favor and don’t call. There are 10,000 other firms out there that are focused on building cheap websites.
If you’re looking to have a website that makes the phone ring; a website that delivers sales leads; a website that makes you proud, call me.
Oh, there’s one other way to make it in life—you can hit the lottery, but I wouldn’t advise gambling as a strategy for a successful website.